Alt Space is a psychological thriller that tells a contemporary story of what it's like to have a dissolving sense of reality. The story is told through the eyes of Julian and Liv, a young couple living in New York City.

DIRECTOR: Cody Kussoy

CAST: Alex Boniello, Shanley Caswell & Micah Parker

IMDB Page 

I worked with the writers during the pre-production process, and again with the production designer to ensure we were creating two entirely different visual languages (one for the real world and one for the VR world that the main character visits). I helped wardrobe connect these aesthetics to the clothing worn by the actors, and I was on the set each day to oversee continuity as well. Lots of 10pm coffee runs later, our film is available on all major streaming services and I couldn’t be happier with how the visuals came together!


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